Protect the Clothes You Love!
If there’s one thing the world continues to be crazy about, it’s fashion. To keep up with demand, fashion brands create collections for all occasions, seasons and micro-seasons.
The global population has roughly doubled since 1970, but the fashion industry has grown as much as 7 times. Clothing production has tripled from 2000 to today, and the average woman buys 60% more clothes than 20 years ago. Furthermore, fashion companies in Europe, from an average of 2 collections per year, now offer over 5 collections in a year, and high-street brands even more. In addition, the quality of clothes is getting worse, so we wear clothes shorter and shorter, and annually we throw away clothes worth a whopping 460 billion USD.
The effects of all this have an extreme impact on the planet and all of us.
Another important thing is that cheap materials such as polyester are an integral part of almost all clothing today, and every time we wash such clothes, plastic microfibers are released into the environment.
So every time we wash synthetic clothing (polyester, nylon, etc.), about 700,000 individual microfibers are released into the water and eventually end up in our seas.
Scientists have discovered that small aquatic organisms eat these microfibers, which in turn are eaten by small fish, which are then eaten by larger fish, introducing plastic into our food chain.
A recent study also shows that wearing synthetic fibers releases plastic microfibers into the air. According to the study, one person “could release nearly 300 million polyester microfibers annually into the environment by washing clothes, and more than 900 million into the air by simply wearing clothes.”
It is difficult to make a big turn in the way we buy clothes and treat them today, but we at Violeta actively support initiatives of sustainable and responsible business and living, and there are many ways that each of us can be part of sustainable changes.
It is easiest to start from yourself, so that:
Buy less stuff. If you long for a new outfit, style your clothes in a different way with the help of jewelry or shoes.
In order to be able to wear your favorite pieces for a long time, wash and care for them properly. The basic rule is to wash clothes when we have to, at low temperatures and with the right means.
The Violeta PROtect collection of laundry detergents extends the life of clothes using 2in1 technology, and consists of three types of detergents, intended for washing different clothes.
Violeta Protect Color detergent contains a specially developed formulation characterized by an innovative combination of proteins and color transfer inhibitors.
Color transfer inhibitors act as “catchers” of colors and do not allow the transfer of different colors or dark to lighter tones of clothes. This preserves the color intensity of everyday clothes and speeds up the washing process because there is no need for additional sorting.
Violeta Protect Black detergent formulation composed of cellulase proteins for smoothing fabrics and polymers for color preservation makes black stay black. Proteins bind to fabric fibers, stop them from pulling out, and your clothes remain smooth and undamaged for a long time, while the clarity and intensity of dark tones
provides with the help of specific polymers for dyes, which bind to the dark color of clothing, preventing its fading and the appearance of gray tones.
Violeta Protect & Repair detergent contains Repair Serum. This serum is a combination of enzymes, whose task is to care for and restore damaged clothing fibers. Enzyme molecules then bind to the damaged cellulose fibers of the clothing or “muck”, smoothing them, making the clothes soft, smooth and brightly colored. A higher number of washes reduces the number of “mucica”, especially on cotton materials.
After using the right detergents, take care of the temperature at which you wash your clothes.
Thanks to the 2in1 technology, the unique Violeta PROtect formulation is effective even at temperatures lower than 20 °C, thus successfully removing unpleasant odors, effectively washing and smoothing clothes.
Since washing machines consume significantly less electricity at lower temperatures, washing at, for example, 40°C instead of 60°C saves 1KWh of energy. With such washing, clothes remain in fresh and preserved colors even after dozens of washes.
Furthermore, take care of the packaging – the packaging of all Violeta PROtect detergents is Zero Waste. What does that mean ?
The by-products created in the production process of our bottles are not thrown away, but are ground into small beads and reused for the production of new packaging. This creates a circular production process, with 0% waste.
With a little effort, each of us can actively contribute to sustainable changes – wear clothes for a longer time and take care of them properly.